User talk:William ponissi

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Revision as of 07:59, 4 February 2013 by Doug hilliard (Talk | contribs)

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Go on then... add more teams!! ;) --Mal mckee 17:55, 17 June 2011 (UTC)


Sorry to bother you; just a quick question on nationality etiquette - I'm doing the car for Vod:Bul right now - am I allowed to use a British flag there against driver's names or should I use a home countries flag? Sorry if this is answered clearly on the forum somewhere, but I couldn't find it easily. Cheers! --Doug hilliard 06:07, 4 February 2013 (EST)

Hey Doug - on the cars you can use pretty much whatever you want. We do not want to offend any sensitivities :P Just mind - in the official results and on the site, we always use Commonwealth Games standard so home countries flags will be used. I assume you are from England, or should I change your flag to something else?

Cheers for clearing that up for me :) Essentially, I was born in England, my parents were born in England, ergo I am English. :p That said normally I prefer to state my nationality as British because I find "English" too narrow a definition in my case. I'm more inclined to compete "for" Scotland as it were, as it's where my paternal grandfather is from, and where my sporting loyalties generally lie, but I think to avoid confusion and politics, I'll keep the English flag in place ;)
Cheers again!--Doug hilliard 07:59, 4 February 2013 (EST)