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2018 GPVWC Superleague
Australian Grand Prix - Race

2018-03-01 - Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit

Event results are OFFICIAL.

T | P | Q | R |


Pos Driver NatTeamEngineLapsTime/GapPitsGrid Diff Points
1 Geoffrey Fournier Epic RacingMartex 58 01:23:46.696 3 10 +9
2 Liam de Waal StormMartex 58 + 7.275 2 4 +2
3 Risto Kappet ACR ZakspeedValiant 58 + 12.337 1 3 +0
4 David Fidock NordsjoenMartex 58 + 13.632 3 11 +7
5 Erhan Jajovski EdonisTalos 58 + 22.865 2 13 +8
6 Pedro Gomes Red ArcherMartex 58 + 23.535 2 17 +11
7 Yuri Kasdorp HawkeyeTalos 58 + 25.429 2 9 +2
8 Jarl Teien EdgeQuasar 58 + 30.781 2 2 -6
9 Ricardo Costa HawkeyeTalos 58 + 36.402 2 6 -3
10 Dennis Jordan EvolutionValiant 58 + 36.757 2 5 -5
11 John Newhouse Flag-to-FlagMartex 58 + 39.342 2 18 +7
12 Borja Millan Epic RacingMartex 58 + 51.299 3 14 +2
13 Rait Kilk EVALValiant 58 + 59.315 3 8 -5
14 Eric Stranne MadCapeMartex 58 + 60.831 2 27 +13
15 Ben Horrill SRSMartex 58 + 78.039 2 24 +9
16 Dino Paolini MeasuricTalos 57 +1 laps 3 19 +3
17 Petar Brljak EdgeQuasar 57 +1 laps 3 12 -5
18 Thomas Hinss Red ArcherMartex 57 +1 laps 3 22 +4
19 Mark Hutchinson Flag-to-FlagMartex 57 +1 laps 2 15 -4
20 Wopke Hoekstra MeasuricTalos 57 +1 laps 3 25 +5
21 Menno Klont StormMartex 46 DNF 7 26 +5
22 Sven de Vries EVALValiant 37 DNF 2 21 -1
23 Florian Geier SRSMartex 26 DNF 2 23 +0
24 Adam Taylor EdonisTalos 23 DNF 2 20 -4
25 Tobias Olsson MadCapeMartex 20 DNF 1 28 +3
26 Alex Siebel ACR ZakspeedValiant 9 DNF 0 1 -25
27 Alex Cooper NordsjoenMartex 8 DNF 1 16 -11
28 Tom Parker EvolutionValiant 5 DNF 0 7 -21


  • (4153): Dino Paolini - Unsafe Pit Entry/Exit
    5-slots grid penalty for the next event
    1 license points docked
    Dino cuts across the pit exit line.
  • (4154): Petar Brljak - Unsafe Pit Entry/Exit
    5-slots grid penalty for the next event
    Petar crosses the pit-entry line.
  • (4155): Alex Cooper - Unsafe Pit Entry/Exit
    5-slots grid penalty for the next event
    Alex crosses the pit-entry line.
  • (4156): Sven de Vries - Unsafe Pit Entry/Exit
    5-slots grid penalty for the next event
    Sven crosses the pit-entry line.
  • (4104): Jarl Teien - Failure to respect in Pit Lane etiquette
    10 seconds time penalty
    5-slots grid penalty for the next event
    1 license points docked
    Teien was too far back making the move and was never going to work as Kappet had already started to turn into the corner.
  • (4123): Jarl Teien - Exceeding Track Limits/Track Cut
    8 seconds time penalty
    Cuts at 383, 554, 577, 1152, 1197, 1331, 1677, 2122, 2208, 2467, 2567, 2589, 2640, 2850, 3294, 3811, 4715. The biggest difference with other drivers is that Teien doesnt lift when exceeding the limits, showing no signs of lost momentum.
  • (4125): Geoffrey Fournier - Exceeding Track Limits/Track Cut - Warning
    Cuts at 2060, 2580, 3197, 5187. Three cuts for free, leaves one cut. because of system not able to give 0.5 seconds, the penalty is 0 seconds (+warning to be clear of rule breach)
  • (4126): David Fidock - Exceeding Track Limits/Track Cut
    1 seconds time penalty
    Cuts at 996, 1082, 2160, 3103, 3700, 4399. At these moments there is no sign of lost momentum.
  • (4173): Liam de Waal - Exceeding Track Limits/Track Cut
    2 seconds time penalty
    Cuts at 1269, 1777, 4070, 4288, 4327, 4543, 4677. At these moments there is no sign of lost momentum.
  • (4142): Risto Kappet - Avoidable contact - Warning
    This has been reviewed as a racing incident, but we would like to remind Risto that in future that racing room is a cars width, not half.
  • (4141): Disciplinary Committee vs Geoffrey Fournier - Avoidable contact - Racing Incident
    Teien is on the outside of Fournier and turns into Fournier on the apex of turn 3. Fourier did well to maintain control and had no intention of forcing Teien outside track limits. Racing incident.
  • (4174): Risto Kappet - Exceeding Track Limits/Track Cut - Warning
    Exceeding Track Limits/Track Cut - Cuts at 775, 1940, 1958, 2834. Three cuts for free, leaves one cut. because of system not able to give 0.5 seconds, the penalty is 0 seconds (+warning to be clear of rule breach)
  • (4149): Florian Geier - Dangerous Driving
    Back-of-the-grid penalty for the next event
    3 license points docked
    We respect he apologised to all drivers, but it is still a seriously collision that could of been avoided at start of a race.
Pos Driver TeamEngineTime
1 David Fidock NordsjoenMartex 01:23.263
2 Geoffrey Fournier Epic RacingMartex 01:23.585
3 Ben Horrill SRSMartex 01:23.973
4 Wopke Hoekstra MeasuricTalos 01:24.057
5 Dennis Jordan EvolutionValiant 01:24.157
6 Rait Kilk EVALValiant 01:24.231
7 Borja Millan Epic RacingMartex 01:24.253
8 Menno Klont StormMartex 01:24.681
9 Jarl Teien EdgeQuasar 01:24.828
10 Alex Siebel ACR ZakspeedValiant 01:24.836
11 Eric Stranne MadCapeMartex 01:24.856
12 Pedro Gomes Red ArcherMartex 01:24.911
13 Erhan Jajovski EdonisTalos 01:24.972
14 Yuri Kasdorp HawkeyeTalos 01:24.978
15 Risto Kappet ACR ZakspeedValiant 01:24.987
16 Ricardo Costa HawkeyeTalos 01:25.042
17 John Newhouse Flag-to-FlagMartex 01:25.064
18 Florian Geier SRSMartex 01:25.081
19 Liam de Waal StormMartex 01:25.108
20 Mark Hutchinson Flag-to-FlagMartex 01:25.537
21 Sven de Vries EVALValiant 01:25.553
22 Tom Parker EvolutionValiant 01:25.635
23 Petar Brljak EdgeQuasar 01:25.649
24 Thomas Hinss Red ArcherMartex 01:25.713
25 Dino Paolini MeasuricTalos 01:26.013
26 Adam Taylor EdonisTalos 01:26.185
27 Alex Cooper NordsjoenMartex 01:26.728
28 Tobias Olsson MadCapeMartex 01:27.400

‡ FL bonus point


Year Driver NatTeamVenue Time
2025 Jan Granqvist Super Venturi-Reventon Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:17:57.503
2024 Owen McGaugie TOP-Reventon Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:19:54.282
2023 Adam Maguire Nocturne-Minotaur Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:20:12.073
2022 Adam Maguire VBM-Valiant Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:18:25.922
2021 Liam de Waal Edonis-Reventon Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:21:51.965
2020 Adam Maguire Edonis-Reventon Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:22:53.056
2019 Jannick Bock Evolution-Valiant Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:21:15.412
2018 Geoffrey Fournier Epic Racing-Martex Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:23:46.696
2017 Rudy van Buren Vod:Bul-Valiant Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:29:33.707
2016 Rudy van Buren Midnight-Potentia Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:31:55.583
2015 Lewis Redshaw CSG-Potentia Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 55:54.344
2014 Lewis Redshaw CSG-Potentia Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:23:53.817
2013 Dave Carr-Smith Nordsjoen-Martex Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:23:50.636
2012 Lukas Euler Midnight-Ferrari Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:24:21.261
2011 Lee Morris Draig-Ferrari Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:22:58.049
2010 Janne Tanskanen Nordsjoen-Mercedes Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:22:59.253
2009 Adam Rouse Nordsjoen-Honda Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:00:37.102
2008 Mark Wicks Woods-Renault Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:27:45.143
2007 Laurent Keersmaekers Simsoa-Honda Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:27:33.432
2006 Luis Fernando Laaff Bracciano-BMW Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:26:05.116
2005 Steve Elencevski FinOz-Ferrari Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:26:22.525
2004 Scott Whiteman EIRE-Jaguar Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:24:50.268
2003 Mikko Jakonen Mapes-VO-Honda Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:27:15.327
2002 Daan van Renswoude Hernj-Roaldo-BMW Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:29:27.170
2001 Jason Endean BA Racing-Ferrari Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 01:30:23.940
2000 Thomas Kimmich Silver Angels-BMW Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit 00:00.000