We are happy to announce that the plans for 2008 F1VWC season goes forward.
Negotiations for admin team are still going on. We will also need bunch of lap checkers and members to the government body. The full organization will be announced soon, but so far we can announce that.
There will be big updates to the site and systems for 2008. New layout will be done to get new and fresh look for the site. There will be also bunch of new features hidden underneath to help out and make easier the updates for the site.
Rules will be renewed and will be made more clear and strict in certain areas so decisions upon penalties or disqualifications or even exclusions can be made quicker.
We will also boost the lap checking procedure to get the official or at least provisional results out with correct order (laps down) as soon as possible after the race so managers can do their reports.We will get the post-qual-press-conference (with top-3 drivers) and post-race-press-conferences back. Also the team qual and race reports will be mandatory. The financials, contracts, physics and car development and maintenance system will be redone and will be more closely monitored and play much bigger role in 2008.
Racing format will keep pretty much the same; there will be new qualifying format if the drop-out system will be used in real F1 on 2008. Racing will still be time limited and follow the real F1 calendar, schedule and conditions as closely as possible.2008 we will provide more detailed information about the happenings on the league via email. We will have a newsletter that will be send to everyone who wants it, also official announcements will be send as emails also (as well be posted on the main page).
F1VWC 2008 admin team will work more closely with the team managers to ensure smooth and nicer environment for all us to work around F1VWC.