Transparency and efficiency in communication will reach a new height with the introduction by the GPVWC Administration of weekly ad hoc "Meet the Admins" live chat sessions.
In a determinded attempt to meet the need of Drivers, Managers and all other GPVWC Stakeholders for a clearer and more exhaustive communication with the Administration, the weekly meeting has been established to take place each Tuesday at 19:00 British time.
Each session will include a brief presentation of the current and planned work performed by the Administration, enabling all interested parties in the GPVWC to know what goes on behind the scenes, and a Q&A period in which all doubts, questions and clarifications can be asked to the Admins. The choice for a live chat comes from the acknowledgement of the difficulties and "failures in communication" that can often result by the use of forums. All in all, these chat sessions will come to represent the best moment to submit suggestions and ideas to the Admins, and discuss them in real time.
"Meeting people live, and being able to have an answer to your question within a few seconds is invaluable" said GPVWC Admin William Ponissi. "I think I echo Michelangelo's feelings when I say the biggest challenge for our organisation at the moment is to be able to communicate our projects, plans and day-to-day proceedings to all our members in the clearest way. And this is when meeting all Drivers and Managers for live sessions becomes key."
Futhermore, resumes of the sessions will be published on the main site at the end of the live chat, enabling all those who have not been able to join to catch all the latest developments and be up to date with the proceedings of the GPVWC.
The live chat sessions will initially be hosted on IRC; in order to access the chat room, download any IRC software (as mIRC for Windows) and set it up with the following data.
Port: 6667
Channel: #gpvwc
The GPVWC Administration wishes the live chat sessions to become a precious instrument to improve transparency and to inform all members of the proceedings of the league, and invites all members to the first "Meet the Admins" session on 25th August 2009 at 7 PM British time.