In the aftermath of an unlucky Mexican Grand Prix, with both Nikos Evangelidakis and Leontin Nemet retiring from the race, the Daniel Ortega Racing team announced the signing of Giorgios Lappas from Greece.
Lappas reportedly signed a Test Driver contract until the end of the 2009 season, and is expected to deputise for Evangelidakis in a few occasions this season.
Spokespersons from the Gjion-based team refused to comment whether the signing has any implication with the 2010 drivers' line-up, with D.O.R.'s majority stake supposedly being acquired by a Rethymno-headquartered Greek consortium.
"Giorgios is experienced and will help us in 2009" said an unnamed team member "but it is far too early to talk about D.O.R.'s plans for next season."
Lappas is expected to make his first appearance in a Superleague car at next week's test.
DOR is happy to announce the signing of Giorgos Lappas as a test/reserve driver until the end of the season. The Greek upcoming driver, with racing experience will follow the team at Brazil where he will make his first tests with DOR's car, with a high possibility to replace Nikos E. in one of the following events.