January 28, 2002
The following teams have signed up for formula1sims.com email accounts:

MaMa Racing - mamaracing@formula1sims.com

Mommark - mommark@formula1sims.com

CVRT - cvrt@formula1sims.com

Dizzo - dizzo@formula1sims.com

BA Racing - baracing@formula1sims.com

DPI - dprescott@formula1sims.com

All teams are entitled to a formula1sims.com email account

If you haven't signed up yet and are interested - please email the following details to dan@formula1sims.com

Account name: (what you want - eg: cvrt@formula1sims.com )

Password: (a password for your account)

ALSO: Please state if you will configure thru outlook express or use the standard 'web' interface to check this account...