Teafor Motorsport are pleased to announce the return of their Qualifying Comparison series for their World Sport Series campaign.
Since its inception, the team has actively engaged on social media. The majority of 2014 was dedicated to starting its Qualifying Comparison see, which can be viewed on the team's website. Ever since the team's social media pages had been set up late in the year, it has regularly posted updates on all its various campaigns - SimLeague, GPVWC and EPS.
However, once again Teafor Motorsport returns to the Qualifying Comparison. While its purpose is to entertain audiences, numerous drivers have found it useful. To be able to compare their own qualifying lap to their teammate's lap directly is appreciated by many of the team's drivers.
Of course, the drivers receive this video after the race, however it can still be of use for them. Each driver can identify possible improvements in their driving out on track.
After the opening race at Barcelona, it is clear to see that Benediktas was stuck behind the RTS car for the lap, with the most damage occurring in the long right-hander of Turn 3. That disadvantage then set up what was to be his lap and therefore could only get within 0.2s of Alex's time.