The Belgian outfit is very proud of the two drivers and their continuous efforts to achieve the best results, stating:
"We've been working with Jarl and Kevin on numerous occasions in the past, mostly within the context of GPVWC, and these experiences were always positive. In the past year, we've seen that their efforts have come to fruition, not in the least due to their own hard work, but also through the supportive network that we've set up and the cooperation with both Gergo Baldi and Daniel Cziranku.
We are extremely pleased to see we can compete at the forefront of simracing as it is today, and intent to keep up the pace. We're already looking good for the Live event of FiaWTCC esports and are still in a nice battle for third place in the SL championship with our closest competitor Edonis Engineering, which only adds coal to our motivational fire."
The London E-sport event is scheduled October 9th to 12th in the Gfinity E-sport Arena, with the event at the Hockenheimring going down october 13th, right before the Hockenheim DTM race weekend.
Stay Tuned!