Below is a brief description of each role on offer;
Head of Media
- This role requires an individual with a creative-mind and a good sense of time-plan, ensuring quality is consistent and weekly schedules are met.
-You should also be enthusiastic in directing the team in a positive direction with the social media, whilst continuing to expand the team's audience and fanbase.
-You will also be required to communicate regularly with the team owners with updates regarding the team's social media and potential plans for the future.
-Social media posts should be consistent, with at least 1 post per week, ideally reporting on every race the team enter.
-The team is required to post news articles to the GPVWC website throughout the year, and as such, the Head of Media es expected to assist in the articles
-The Head of Media will receive assistance from the team owners when possible, and may also recruit extra assistants to help in running the team's media.
Content Creators
-This role is open for multiple creative individuals who can work with all members of the team to create quality content to be posted on the team's social media.
-The role is not required to be full time, however regular conversations with the team's Head of Media and owners are expected.
Marketing Officer
-The team is eager to begin working with larger brands and communities to increase the general publicity of both the team and Simracing as a whole, and as such, this role requires an optimistic individual to locate and successfully negotiate with potential team partners.
-Regular discussions should be held with the team owners regarding updates and developments in the team's marketing success.
-The Marketing Officer will receive assistance from the team owners when possible, and may also recruit extra assistants to help in running the team's marketing.
Race Engineers
-This role is open for multiple individuals to work with the drivers during practice sessions (when available) and race sessions, assisting in strategies, setups and race updates - allowing the driver to focus more on driving the car.
Driver scouts
-The team enjoys seeing unestablished drivers achieve success, and as such, this role will require an individual to identify upcoming talents early on, allowing the team to develop a working partnership with the driver, ensuring that we beat rival teams to signing the rising talent.
If you are interested in joining MDR in any of the vacant roles, please contact the team via email shown below:
- Email: MDRacingMedia@gmail.com
- Subject: Applying for [Job Role]
We encourage applicants to provide experience and skills if possible, however ALL applications will be considered. All applicants will be notified of the team's decision as soon as possible.
Follow our journey at the links below:
Facebook: https://goo.gl/R5Q6SD
Twitter: https://goo.gl/pZhE8p
YouTube: https://goo.gl/REJ9pU
Instagram: https://goo.gl/J1FVPT