First of is Team Manager Ben Horrill: "Firstly welcome to 2019 and the now confirmed Red Bull Streetfighter Racing Systems lineup that will compete in the WTF1 Superleague for 2019.
2018 was tough no one in the team is going to argue that at all, but we had the heart to turn things around instead of giving up with our tails between our legs.
2019 is a new year and I'm proud of the team we have put together, although a lot of drivers were linked to our seats in reality the decision to keep the driver line up was an easy one. Both Floian and David work very well together this was evident in 2018 with David proving to be a wonderful driver in the wet races we had and with Flo's improved results once David was in the car alongside him.
Joining the two primary drivers is Ruben van den Hudding who has been incredibly impressive since joining the team in the summer of 2018, promoting him to our 3rd car was a very easy call and shows our young driver program is already working as intended as we don't need to look outside our own stable of drivers to fill our seats.
We're all looking forward to getting underway in Melbourne, See you on the grid"
We also had a few lines from our three Drivers Florian Geier;David Francic and Ruben van den Hudding.
Florian Geier: "First of all Happy New Year to everyone. Its been a quite few weeks and we all been re-charging our batteries but behind the scenes we have been going through a lot of work to make sure that last years struggles are not repeated.
Thus I am very happy to see that I will drive alongside David, who has been my engineer in 2018 but always been active on the testing side.
I rate his abilities very high and thus I am sure we will push each other just as much as we have done previously. From a working point of view we know what to expect from each other, and so there is no learning curve, we already can start right were we left off last year and this is a good thing as far as im concerned.
Adding Ruben as reserve driver is showing that we have no need of having to search outside of our stable. We can straight ahead choose what we think is the best solution inside of our Junior program and thus add only someone we know we can fully trust on the given task at hand.
Overall I know we have turned around things that needed attention after last years disaster, but we never gave up and stuck together to form a bond way beyond just Simracing. I am confident in this Group of People and I can not wait to see the results of this hard work."
David Francic: "Hello Simracing world! Wish you all the best in this year 2019!
You all most likely know me as a driver, and that I have retired from Superleague at the end of 2017. That was because I wasn't feeling enough motivated to do a complete 2018 at the level I would've liked to. Despite that, I fell in love with this team, so I knew I wanted to stay and help the guys in there, hence why I had decided to take a Race Engineering role. I knew I could be of a big help there, as my Simracing experience dates back to 2009.
Over the course of 2018, I started missing driving in the highest tier, and since we were at the bottom, I wanted to jump straight in, so I have to thank Ben and Florian for letting me do the final few races. It was pleasure driving that beauty of a Red Bull liveried car.
I am pleased to confirm that I will be taking driver's role this year, alongside Florian Geier. He's an incredibly kind and hardworking guy, which is always pushing our whole team to strive forward, and learn from the past. This year's grid will be incredibly tough to beat, but that's what made my decision to take the driver role easy, because I love competition and good racing.
I'd like to thank Red Bull, for staying with us through the rough period and who kept believing in us, rest of the sponsors, to Ben and Florian, our Race Engineer Jan Polak who is developing into an incredible programmer and engineer, and last but not least, our beautiful Junior drivers who are doing better and better.
Ladies and Gentleman, start your engines!"
and last but certainly not least our test and reserve driver
Ruben van den Hudding:"Hello and welcome to 2019, hope everyone will have a successfull year!
Well you all probably dont even know me so let me introduce myself, my name is Ruben van den Hudding and im a 19 year old guy from the Netherlands and i have been sim-racing for a few years now. I joined Red Bull Streetfighter with a lot of expectation, i was looking for a place where i could learn more about racing with the best of the best in sim-racing. And gladly they signed me as a Junior/Reserve driver!
And now i have the chance to be their reserve driver for 2019, but thats not all because i will be racing in Superleague Lights with TTF Racing alongside Rauno Muru, im looking forward how the first ever Superleague Lights season will look like, so far it really looks competetive, also with Ben at Idos. This season will be a very important season for me because it will be my first ever full GPVWC season that im racing.
I would like to thank everyone that has encouraged me to continue sim-racing in the past, but the most important thank you is to the whole Red Bull Streetfighter team because i would have been nowhere without them.
Lets get this season started shall we? We are very excited for this season to begin!"
So there you have it Sports Fans, we are very excited ahead of the new Season, and with Pre-Season testing around the Corner we can not wait to get going.