Dan Lawrence, GPVWC Admin, replied to the news of Brendon Maw stepping down from his co-Admin role.
"Firstly I would like to clarify the situation in which Brendon Maw left the GPVWC.
For some time now I have been having trouble agreeing with Brendon on various issues within the GPVWC. This has escalated and tensions have risen to the point where inevitably one of us was going to lose our temper. I felt that Brendon had some very good plans and ideas for the GPVWC but that he seemed to have his own agenda and questioned everything that I suggested or did.
I received an email today from Brendon. The email stated a few valid problems that I had overlooked concerning the v3.0 carset. That was fair enough. What annoyed me was that the carset was released 2 weeks ago and it took Brendon 2 weeks to voice his opinion on the matter. In this league we need people to talk about problems as soon as they arise...as this is the only way to solve them. The whole problem has been snowballing since day 1 and should never really have been allowed to get this far...Also various people have spoken to me over the course of the last 2 weeks expressing their disappointment in the way Brendon does things regarding the GPVWC, this added to the decision of asking him to leave.
On a more positive note i would like to sincerely thank Brendon for his commitment to the GPVWC over the last 2 months. He has had a big input into the day to day running of this league and some of the ways in which he operates will be sorely missed."
A replacement will be announced in the next few days.