November 07, 2018
Published on tags: Cosmo Seiki Japan Supercup 2018


Cosmo Seiki Japan team manager Joshua Anderson looks back on a difficult 2018 Supercup season for the Japanese outfit.

Going into 2018 with high hopes and coming out of it feeling deflated. 12th in the Teams' championship (provisionally) wasn't what I thought we would be looking at considering it was the same result as we had last year. Yet the same problems persisted; drivers would come and then go as they were promoted to Superleague or stepped down for other reasons. Life in Supercup has been difficult, yet we persist. A marked increase in free time in 2019 means I will have more time to manage team affairs and work on securing a 2019 lineup has already begun.

2019 will be a crucial season for us as a team and I know this all too well. We will have a point to prove; that we can stick it in the middle tier of GPVWC. This coming in our 5th year as a team gives it extra meaning: after 3 years in Formula Challenge, we promoted at the start of 2017. The goal, of course, is to secure a lineup that will hopefully take us to our second promotion in 6 seasons, however the focus will be on avoiding the situation of the last two years and finding drivers that, like our star driver Mike Bell this year, will remain with the team and see the entire season out.

In a growing world of opportunity this is of course no easy task - when drivers have external commitments and call-ups to Superleague are common - but if ever there was a time for us to break out of the quandry we've found ourselves in, it's 2019. We will be ready when it arrives.